At Baker Funeral Home we understand that not everyone can physically attend a funeral service, which is why we offer live streaming of our services. This allows friends and family members who are unable to attend in person to still be a part of the service and pay their respects to the deceased.
At Baker Funeral Home we are committed to providing you with the highest level of service, and that includes making sure that everyone who wishes to participate in the service is able to do so, even if they are unable to attend in person. With our live streaming services, you can be sure that you and your loved ones will have the opportunity to be a part of the service, no matter where you are.
Our live streaming services are easy to use and accessible from any device with internet access. A unique link to the live stream will be provided to you, which can be shared with anyone you would like to invite to watch the service. The live stream will be active during the scheduled service time, and will also be recorded for future viewing.
In addition to live streaming, we also offer other options for remote participation in the service, such as sending condolences through our website, or joining a virtual grief support group.
We understand that every family's needs are different, and we will work with you to find the best solution to ensure that everyone who wishes to participate in the service is able to do so. If you have any questions about our live streaming services or other remote participation options, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Visit for information relating to the purchase of pre-need funeral contracts including descriptions of the trust and insurance funding options available under state law.